Saturday, 6 August 2011

Beta 0.2

Update Update Update

I've gone ahead and translated the popup boxes you see during gameplay. Thanks to my friend Konna who did the hard work, missions are now 100% Moonspeak free and thus, essentially, ends my translation project, unless anyone finds any big errors or whatever in it and gets to me. Enjoy everyone.


Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Some new download links

No update, Sorry fellas. Honestly I kinda burned out on this a while ago. However, I have a LOT of free time coming up so maybe I'll get around to doing some of the story flavor text. Who knows?

Anyway, lots of the original download links have died, the Megaupload one is still running but I know that can be a pain so I'm gonna upload the latest version in a couple places for you guys;

Google Docs


Don't say I never give you anything

P.S. Hello to my 953 viewers from Belgium, apparently! What are you guys doin' downloading this? Nutters all of you.

Saturday, 16 April 2011

Translation Beta Release!

I'm happy to announce that I did INDEED say "Whatev" and finish weapons today. So I'm happy to announce Operation Liberty Freedoms first beta release;

If either of these go dead, I'll try and get more links up. If you know of any good hosting sites I could throw them up there too.

As Beta implies, this is just a kinda testing, basic features version of what I'd like to do. But this could be the last release of this project. I've essentially run out of the things I can translate now. There's a couple other things here and there but this will at least mean anyone who gets terrified by the wall of Japanese will now, finally, be able to enjoy this game.

Heres the readme for those far too lazy to click links;

Well first of all, remember this is a supreme Beta Release. There's a lot I didn't bother translating
because its either spoken or I plain couldn't work out how. Check out the videos for more details
if you think you could help. or not. Whatever.

What IS Translated?
Most important menus
Item pick ups
Other things here and there. Error messages an the like

This basically means you can play the game and have some idea of what you're doing. I know!
There's def. some problems with the translation. Some of the weapons go out of bounds, I'm
sure that they'll be a ton of grammar and spelling stuff but on the whole, it works.

Now, how to install.

Assuming you can FTP into your Xbox (if you can't, check out Xbox-Scene), then do the following;
Take the contents of this ZIP and extract it on your PC. FTP into your box and go to your
Metal Wolf Chaos folder. go into Menu, then message. Now get the files in this ZIP and upload them
as so;
Item.msg and Weapon.msg go into the Name folder.
menu.msg goes into (you guessed it) the menu folder
put mwc_menu.msg in Char
and game_common.msg in game

That should do it. Your game should be (somewhat) English. Enjoy!

This is really a great game and I wanted more people to experience it so here you guys go.
If I manage to translate anything else then I'll update this package and post a link at the blog.

Contact Me:
I can be reached at my blog for this project;
where you can also find my development blog (hahahaha) and some videos showing off
things like custom skins and strange stuff in the game.

Translation Progress Day 10

Hello youse.

Got Railguns and Sniper Rifles done. Only got MultiMissiles and Flamethrower's to do now! Then, hopefully, those popups but hey, Might just release it as it is for now. Not sure when I'll be getting those popup things done.


Edit: Multimissles done now! Might just finish it today

Friday, 15 April 2011

No Update Today

Kinda a big day today. Lots of Real Life Work so I couldn't do anything. Sorry! I'm a dong!

Thursday, 14 April 2011

Translation Progress Day 7 (and also Day 8)

Sorry for the lack of Day 6, but I think I made up for it with this;
Oh Nems you studly hero you, how do you do that?

Its actually simple as heck so strap in.

On your xbox, inside MWC should be a folder called Player. In there they'll be a folder called P_001 or something like that. Theres two actually. P_001 should have about 18 folders called TEX01-TEX99. TEX99 is your standard suit, the rest are the unlockables. Make a back up of whatever you want to edit, download the DDS plugin for Photoshop by nVidea and finally, download the contents of that folder to your PC.

Each file represents a section of your robot, Editing is simple enough, just watch out if you make the colors too dark, then the reflection file takes over and makes you drive around in a robot that looks like its cloaked. You can edit the reflection file in much the same way if you want to make life easy.

Save as a 4 Bit file with 1 Alpha bit and then copy back to the Xbox. Tadaaaa.

I'm no skinner or really creative art guy, so I'll leave these instructions for someone a bit more talented than myself.

I got Grenade launchers, Rockets and Missiles done too. so that only leaves 3 more categories to go.

Monday, 11 April 2011

Translation Progress Day 5


No video today guys, sorry. Spent most of the day working on more important things but I did get around to translating the Assault rifles! some surprises in there and some pretty interesting stories. 4 weapon types down, 7 to go. But I'm 90% sure theres less of the 7 weapon types than there are the others. Might be wrong on that but just a hunch.

At this rate I should be done weapons soon. If I get those images done about the same time, I can call this project as close to done as its getting and release my work. Hopefully I last that long, heh.

Got another lead on the MRB and TEX files which I'm running up later. See ya guys.


May be no update tomorrow. We'll see.

Sunday, 10 April 2011

A Bunch of Werid Stuff

Just a couple werid little things here and there. TEX files, MRBs and maybe an unused weapon? WHO KNOWS.

Translation Progress Day 4

Thrills, Spills, More translated balls.

Sorry for the terrible demo. But hey at least the camera is marginally better!.

There's a couple weird and strange things I need to show off, so I'll do a video and upload tonight and put in a different post. Strange weapons, file formats, all kind of shit. See you in a bit chaps.

Saturday, 9 April 2011

Translation Progress Day 3

Good news everyone!

Got some nice stuff done. Started on weapons, a couple minor things here and there and the Yes and No options finally translated.

I figured I'll post a video demonstrating my work process. Maybe this will be better than the rambling incoherent bullshit I posted earlier


Also I've worked out the image files. Some of the popup stuff during missions are there so I'm working on them.

Having problems regarding the debriefing pages. Working on it I guess but, oh well. I'll sort it.

Finish weapons
Plot text
Enemy text

Friday, 8 April 2011

Translation Progress Day 2

Well, got some more key things done. Main thing being Item names and pick up details are all translated now. I think we're almost at the point where I can say a normal human being can play the game. I've also fixed some of the text issues in the previous video.
Done this time:
Weapon Stats (Done)
More menus
Another weapon
One story screen
Save system
Status screen (partial)
A couple other little things here and there

To do now, Finish the Garage menu, Find the Status screen text and then I'll start work on the weapon descs and names. Then maybe finish the story stuff.

Translation Progress Day 1

Heres where I was at a couple hours into the project. very rough around the edges, only minimal stuff done, but a good start I think
At this point I had the following done
Weapon Stats (kinda)
Garage Menu (mostly)
Some popups and errors

Metal Wolf Chaos: A primer

Well, I've always liked the look of MWC. A mental game where you, as the president of the US fight against a military attack with only pure FIGHTING SPIRIT and a mad as a bag of cats secretary on your side.

Took me a while but eventually I got to play it and it was actually a hell of a lot of fun. However;

The game, at first, is unplayable. It never got ported to America so all the menus and such are all in Japanese. This means you have no idea what the stats for the weapons are and what most of the items in the game do. Eventually after a couple days of play, I got the hang of it but I kinda figured, why not fix this?  I mean the plot is all in english already in the Voice work (baring a hand full of text screens). all that needs changing is weapon stats and item descs to make the game playable.

So I gave it a go, and I'm still working now. Just thought I'd make a blog to showcase it and detail the process, for when/if I get bored and give up, so someone else can take up the project or just mod their own game.

So, to do this you need the following:
  • A modded xbox
    • Considering you would need a modded xbox to even play the game, this is obvious
  • a copy of MWC
    • Again. Duh
  • MadEdit
    • A hex editor we'll use to add text
  • Either some translation skills or intuition and Google Translate.
    • Most of the text is kinda obvious, so you dont need to be fluent in japanese.
Ok, got all that stuff? Grand. Now its pretty simple really.
Step 1
Rip your disc. Send all the files over to your PC. I won't detail this step as if you have a modded box, I assume you know how to back up your discs.

Step 2
Locate the various .MSG files in /Menu/Message. These are where the game stores its text. These are also the files we will be editing

Step 3
Back up all your files first. Its very easy to accidentally fuck up and ruin your shit. Try to keep a Clean copy of every file you edit.

Step 4
Open your hex editor and click View. Go down to encoding and change it to Japanese. This is vital unless you love incomprehensible goop

Step 5
Open whatever file you want to translate. All items, weapons and so on are located in /name, all menu stuff is in /menu. The story stuff and subtitles are all in /Char. /game is a bunch of stuff I havnt worked out yet.

Step 6
Work slowly here. Scroll down and find the text then check the hex values on the left. All text is contained within two 00 values on either side of it. Do not delete these values, do not over ride these values, do not move these values at all. These are like the markers the game looks for. If you move one of them even a single inch, you will screw up all your text.

This obviously will cause some issues. Japanese language is a bit "smaller" than English, they have single letters for words and in some cases sentences. But hey, use your initiative. It won;t be a perfect translation but it will work, so long as you make sure you work within those 00 values.

Step 7
Now, just copy over the new saved file you just made with all of your fantastic edits, then copy it over the original on the xbox or in your ripped disc folder. Load up the game. Should have worked.

Step 7
Be careful, test often. Its very easy to break something. text will run out of boxes, fotes will mess up, you'll put something where it shouldn't be. Just keep your xbox on, and test it every time you finish a "section"

Japanese characters use about 2 Hex values each. This means for every one letter, you have 2. This does not make things easier as you must also watch out how much text you put on one line. Its kinda difficult to describe but if you write too much without putting in a break, shit will fly all over the place

Some things are werid. The Blast Range and ROF for instance, require you to buffer them with a couple spaces. why? Who knows. They're like birds. What are birds? We just don't know. They arnt the only things so keep an eye out.

To make a break, add the hex value 0A where you want the break. This will move the next bit of text onto another line so you can actually read it.

And that's about it. Follow these steps and you should have only minimal problems really. The hard part is working out what goes where and how to write things like Explosive Blast Radius in 4 characters. Good luck!